In his second cinematic outing of 2014 director Clint
Eastwood tells the story of Navy Seal Chris Kyle. The most lethal sniper in
American history, with one hundred and sixty confirmed kills. A pretty amazing
stat, considering modern warfare is getting less and less personalized. However,
“American Sniper”(based on the memoir by Kyle, Scott McEwen and James Defelcie)
attempts to be both pro war and anti war. A patriotic combat film displaying
Kyle’s military exploits as well as a somber post combat film about him having
to readjust to normal society between tours. It’s a great story yet Eastwood’s
film rarely escalates to such heights. It’s competently made but also
underwhelming; the screenplay by James Hall often resorts to cliché and heavy-handed
After starting in medias res, the film flashes back to
briefly guide us through Kyle’s early life, including his decision to join the
Seals. While I can see the intention with these scenes they-- for the most
part--feel unnecessary. I don’t think I needed a scene showing a young Kyle
hunting bucks with his dad to illustrate an early interest in marksmanship,
something that can be easily seen on the battlefield. Even worse I certainly
didn’t need Kyle’s father at the dinner table talking about how there are three
kinds of people in the world: sheep, wolves and sheep dogs (protectors). And
how Kyle is going to grow up to be the third option. Again, something else that
can be shown on the battlefield. These scenes feel too obvious and
heavy-handed. In general, the movie has a tendency to talk down to the
audience. The only moments that do seem necessary are Kyle’s sudden decision to
join the army—after hearing about U.S. Embassies getting blown up—and the
meeting of his wife Taya Renae (Sienna Miller). However, since they’re preceded
by four or five other superfluous scenes, Eastwood has to rush through without
giving them enough time to breathe.
“American Sniper” is best when it focuses on Kyle’s (Bradley
Cooper) military accomplishments in Iraq and more specifically when it gets
into his head as a sniper. As a sniper you’re put into a position of extreme
omnipotence. Being perched on a building high above you can see basically
everything going on therefore the safety of your teammates rests heavily on
your shoulders. An even heavier burden to carry is deciding who lives and who
dies on the opposing side. Is that military-aged male reporting troop movement
or calling a friend? Or even worse, do you kill that Iraqi child walking
towards a troop convoy carrying a grenade? It’s a tremendous amount of
responsibility and stress and the picture coveys all of this in a fairly tense
and exciting manner.
The conflicts that take place on the homeland between Kyle
and Taya are even less compelling. Miller does the best she can but her
character is sort of hung out to dry. In addition to being saddled with some of
the worst, most cliché lines of dialogue--“when you’re here, its like you’re
not here!”—she’s stuck being the wet blanket wife at home with the kids. Now,
I’m not saying being the wife of a service man isn’t difficult but Eastwood and
Hall don’t give Taya enough dimensions. About fifty percent of her role is sobbing
or yelling at Kyle. As for Kyle’s two kids, they’re just treated as props;
there to add more surface-level emotions and stakes to Kyle’s situation. I
realize the movie isn’t called “American Sniper and his Family” but if you’re
going to incorporate the family aspect into a war picture they need to hold
more of a presence.
To his credit, Cooper is actually very good. Convincingly
portraying a man who’s torn between his country and his family. A man who loves
the thrill of combat even when it starts to take a toll on his psyche and affect
his home life. Cooper’s handsome but likable everyman sensibilities fit Kyle
perfectly and he wisely underplays the character. Having read the book, I know
that Kyle wasn’t a showboat but instead modest when it came to his military
accomplishments. In a scene near the end of the movie when Kyle is faced with
his impressive kill record he isn’t fazed by it. It can be difficult to play a
humble warrior but overall Cooper’s performance feels genuine and is easily the
film’s strongest asset. That being said, even Cooper is sometimes hindered by
the screenplay’s more heavy-handed and propagandistic qualities. At times Kyle will break into some pro
America diatribe about the military conflict and constantly refers to the Iraqis
as “savages.” Again, I know Kyle was very patriotic but in the movie these
moments feel tacked on.
I wish I could say I was disappointed by “American Sniper,”
but to be honest I haven’t come to expect much from Eastwood these days. I
admire that the eighty four year old director/actor continues to make movies
and while none of his recent efforts—“Jersey Boys,” “J Edgar,” “Invictus,”—have
been flat out bad there just hasn’t been a lot of fire and passion in them
either. “American Sniper” is skillfully made but it’s hardly ever remarkable. Like
the rest of Eastwood’s filmography of late “Sniper” goes through the motions.