Batman has sure come a long way. Originating as a comic book
super hero created by DC comics in the late thirties, to being portrayed by the
legendary Adam West in the campy seventies TV show. Then came the movies. First
the caped crusader was processed through the Tim Burton-izer in 1989’s
“Batman,” and “Batman Returns” later on. But, alas, the Batman film franchise
practically crashed and burned in the hands of Joel Schumacher, first in the
middling “Batman Forever” and finally in the awful “Batman and Robin.” After
that the franchise lay dormant for eight years. Until the visionary British
director Christopher Nolan breathed new and absorbing life into the character. Beginning
with 2005’s “Batman Begins,” then 2008’s “The Dark Knight,” and finally, “The
Dark Knight Rises.”
Nolan not only rebooted the franchise, he transformed its
style and tone. The earlier “Batman” pictures were silly and comic book-y,
whereas Nolan’s Batman universe is darker and grittier. Nolan’s Batman successfully
transcended its comic book origins and blended in to the real world. “Batman
Begins” was a perfect way to begin this stark journey. Nolan took ample time to
show the millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne’s painful and vengeance fueled
transformation into The Dark Knight. He didn’t rush it along. He made us
believe in the character. Not just Batman but Bruce Wayne, because at the end
of the day, Wayne is the character we care about.
As great as “Begins” was though, it was still somewhat
confined to its comic roots because it was an origin story. You knew he was
going to become Batman, no matter how gradually the film moved along. When “The
Dark Knight” came along, it not only came with a phenomenal performance from
the late Heath Ledger as The Joker, but also the advantage of being the middle
movie. It didn’t carry the burden of having to begin the story, nor did it have
an obligation to bring the whole series to an indefinite close. “The Dark
Knight” not only worked as a highly effective comic book movie but also as a
compelling crime saga that just happens to feature a guy who dresses up like a
bat. The movie dealt with serious issues, and contained underlying themes about
the psychology behind terrorism and villainism.
Now we have “The Dark Knight Rises,” the third and the last
film in the franchise. Like “Begins,” “Rises” already comes with a
disadvantage. It has to bring this legend to a close. And unfortunately the
movie runs into problems nearing its finale. The ending, while not awful, feels
a little unsatisfying and muddled. By then, Nolan simply has a lot on his plate and can't quite bring every thing together.
On top of that, the movie comes full circle, in regards to
the rest of the series. It harkens back to “Batman Begins” when Wayne was
trying to find himself, scaling bitter cold mountains in Asia to train with his
very first adversary Ra’s al Ghul (Liam Neeson, back reprising his role) and
facing his greatest fears and insecurities.
“Rises” takes place eight years after the events of “The
Dark Knight,” which is a wise move. It gives the story a chance to breathe, as
well as letting new characters enter into the franchise more seamlessly instead
of being shoved in. Some of these
include the sly, sexy thief Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway) aka Cat Woman, Batman’s
frenemy. Also Miranda Tate (Marion Cotillard), a member of the Wayne
Enterprise’s Executive board, who also hides a secret of her own. And John
Blake (Joseph Gordon Levitt), a young cop who strongly believes in good and
justice. Also along for the ride is the always reliable Alfred Pennyworth (a typically
soothing Michael Caine), Batman’s faithful butler and the determined but also
partially defeated Commissioner Jim Gordon (a wonderfully subtle Gary Oldman).
Anyway, Gotham has
since been at peace. Thanks to the work that D.A. Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart)
did in “Dark Knight” there is no more organized crime. Meanwhile, Batman, or
Bruce Wayne (an intense yet cool and collected Christian Bale) has since hung
up his bat suit, and become a recluse in his mansion. But of course, as you
know from any cop film or TV show, the retired cop doesn’t stay retired forever.
“There’s a storm coming,” Selina warns Bruce one night. One mighty storm
indeed. In the shape of the buffed up, bald, mercenary terrorist named Bane (a
beef cake Tom Hardy, with a peculiar computer altered voice) who wears a mask
over his mouth and nose.
This is where the class differences theme comes in. We learn
Bane had a rough life growing up in a miserable foreign prison and now he wants
the upper class to pay. Through violence, fear and manipulation he inspires an
uprising in Gotham. But before you start praising him as a revolutionary for
the little guy, Bane is also a terrorist who has other agendas. Hardy is able
to add some depth and personality to Bane’s tough exterior but he’s also a
little limited by the fact that Bane wears a mask. With The Joker, Ledger had
the advantage of facial expressions; Hardy’s performance is restricted in that
As usual, Nolan’s
direction is slick and fluent, while the cinematographer Wally Pfister works
mostly in different shades of gray, giving it a bleak but gorgeous look. I love
how Nolan steadily moves the story along. Like the other two films it gradually
builds momentum. He focuses more on the story and the human characters than on Batman.
In fact we don’t see Batman until about thirty or forty minutes in. And also
like the other films, a majority of “Rises” works as a stand-alone genre pic.
Besides the aforementioned terrorism and class system ideals, the movie also
deals with finance and alternative energy, adding a political twist to the
whole endeavor.
Note: Try to see it in
IMAX, as there is just over an hour of footage shot using IMAX cameras. Also,
it’s important to note that the movie was shot ON FILM! And it’s not in 3D.
Thanks for sharing such a great blog..Keep posting..Very informative post. The Batman (2021)